Saturday, January 7, 2012


This post is for my other sister who just got a crock pot and called to ask what I like to make in mine.  Admittedly, I don't use my crock pot as much as I should, but this is a favorite.

Yes, you can make your own yogurt.  I was surprised by how easy this is to make, and how much cheaper it is than supermarket yogurt, and especially greek yogurt.   I've made all of our yogurt for months now, and haven't had to buy any.

Crockpot Yogurt
8 cups milk (don't use ultra-pasteurized, I use 2%)
1/2 cup plain yogurt
a little dry milk powder (this helps make it a little thicker).

Heat all 8 cups of milk in your crock pot on low for 2 1/2 hours.  Turn it off for 3 hours, leaving the lid on.  Take 2 cups of warmed milk, whisk in 1/2 cup yogurt, then return this mixture to the crock pot.  Put the lid back on, cover the whole crock pot with a big towel, and let it sit overnight.  By morning this will be yogurt.  Reserve 1/2 cup of this yogurt for your starter to make it next time.
My family likes thicker yogurt than this, so I strain it through paper coffee filters for a few hours in the fridge.  It takes about 4 filters full to get through the whole batch, so I have 2 going at once.  Strained, this recipe makes a quart of yogurt.

If you're into making smoothies, I think the thinner yogurt would be perfect for smoothie making.  We eat this nearly daily with blueberries and cereal (or homemade granola if we have some in the house).

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